This is how I long to feel.... free. Free to be me. Free to
have my own voice. Free to revel in my own unique form of self-expression. Free
to love and be loved.
I want to feel free in my writing, free in my painting, free in all that I create.
I want to express myself freely, be free to make mistakes, to change my mind, to admit I am wrong, to dare to be different.
I want to feel free in my own
brand of quirkiness. I want to feel free to sink luxuriously into my Renaissance
Soul ways.
I want to be free from the fear of failure and ridicule and belittlement. I want to be free from my self-doubts or free enough to pay them little heed.
I want to write freely on my blog, to not second guess everything I write, to just write what is on my mind and in my heart. I want to be free from the need to please, the need to be liked by everyone, the need to be accepted according to other people's standards.
I want to feel free to live my life on my terms.
I want to be free from guilt and regret and my self-sabotaging ways.
I want to be free from depression and anxiety and Fibromyalgia and the host of other health-related issues I deal with on a daily basis.
I want to be free from my tendency to judge others unfairly, free to see their unique qualities that make them beautiful human beings.
I want to be free to stop comparing myself to others, free from envy, free from the feeling of lack.
I want to be free from debt, free to pay all my bills on time, easily. Free to have extra money to do fun things and good things.
I want to feel free to walk in this world, in this here skin that is mine, with this heart that overflows with longing and creativity and love and beauty. Free to shine my own special light, free to completely love and accept myself.
This blog, Feeling Free Studios, is my journey to feeling truly free.
And this here, this first blog post, unplanned and imperfect, is my first tiny step.