
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

DOY BlogLovin' Tour:: Self-Care

"The Declaration of You will be published by North Light Craft Books this summer, with readers getting all the permission they've craved to step passionately into their lives, discover how they and their gifts are unique and uncover what they are meant to do! This post is part of The Declaration of You's BlogLovin' Tour, which I'm thrilled to participate in alongside over 100 other creative bloggers. Learn more -- and join us! -- by clicking here."

I thought I knew exactly what I was going to write about when this topic of 'self-care' came up for this BlogLovin' Tour. But . . . then I read Michelle's blog post on self-care. 

I realized that my thoughts about self-care were so very tiny. Like her, I thought about candle-lit bubble baths, painting my nails, reading a novel. 

And then her questions at the end of her post opened up a whole new perspective on self-care. She writes:

 "What does self-care inherently mean to you? What have you been missing? What is your body/mind/soul yearning for that you’re making excuses for?"
What have I been missing? What is my body/mind/soul yearning for that you're making excuses for? 

I never thought of self-care as incorporating my whole life like that. I thought it was a little pampering here and there to take a little time for yourself and be good to yourself.

I have been ignoring so many things that my body/mind/soul has been yearning for. Oh, and excuses . . . I've got them a mile high! 

Honestly, my mind feels boggled. I also feel a huge new perspective opening up for me and it makes me feel giddy with excitement and happiness. 

You mean, making time to paint is actually important for my self-care? Making time for creative writing isn't selfish and nonproductive just because I am doing it for fun? 

I have just been handed the very best, and really, for me, life-altering permission slip to live the life I dream to live and to make no excuses for it. 

This is my life. I get to live it on my terms. Self-care is important, much more so than I had thought! My mind needs it. My soul needs it. My body needs it. 

My work will be better for it. My family and friends will be better for it. If I am taking care of myself, it will flow out from me and touch everyone and everything in my life in a positive way.

This ties in so beautifully with a book I am reading, The Power by Rhonda Byrne (the author of The Secret). In it she says that what we give out, we receive back and that the power behind the Law of Attraction is love

If I am giving my body/mind/soul what it yearns for, this will bring me so much happiness and boundless feelings of love because I am doing things that I love. Thus, I will receive back more happiness and love from people and circumstances around me. 

Wow! What an amazing and super important lesson I learned today! 

I wonder what would happen if we all made self-care the main priority in our lives. What would happen if we gave our bodies, souls, and minds what it yearns for, which at the same time will make us happy

I imagine this world would be an entirely different place, filled with people who are truly happy, healthy, doing what they love, thus enabling them to give out more love to others. 

This is the world I want to live in, so this is the world that I intend to create for myself. 

Will you come along with me? 

I would love to hear your thoughts. Please comment below and let's get a juicy conversation rolling. :) 

xo ~ Kim 

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Declaration of You:: Uniquity:: What Makes You, YOU

"The Declaration of You will be published by North Light Craft Books this summer, with readers getting all the permission they've craved to step passionately into their lives, discover how they and their gifts are unique and uncover what they are meant to do! This post is part of The Declaration of You's BlogLovin' Tour, which I'm thrilled to participate in alongside over 100 other creative bloggers. Learn more -- and join us! -- by clicking here."

Uniquity . . . What is it that makes me, me,

Oh, how I have asked myself this question soooo many times! 

I have been "searching for myself" for decades. Being under the mistaken belief that I had to find that one thing that was my talent or calling or whatever you want to call it has made it so much more difficult than it had to be.

Now I know that there are many different things that make me, me. I used to think there was nothing that made me a unique individual. I thought I was just your every day, plain Jane - Jane of all trades, master of none. 

I had (and have) many different talents. Twenty years ago, I would have labeled that "talents." Yes, I could write, draw, paint, play the flute, had a good mind for business. But I didn't think that made me special in any way. Lots of people can do those things and they can do them better than me. 

For such a long time, I was desperate to have that one thing that I had a "special gift" in, that made me stand out in the crowd. But I didn't. 

You know what? There are still times I wish so much that I did have just that one thing that I was super passionate about and that I did at an extraordinary level. I'll be honest. There is a part of me that wants to be noticed. I have felt invisible for most of my life and I have always longed to feel special and loved for who I am. 

But I'm learning the most valuable lesson in my life. It is far more important for me to accept and love my self for who I am than it is to look for outside love, acceptance, and validation. 

My thoughts, my feelings, the words I say and write, the different ways in which I express myself, the things that light me up, turn me on, and bring me joy, as well as the things that I don't particularly care for - these are the things that make me unique. 

I haven't mastered this lesson and maybe I never will completely master it, but I'm getting better at it. Maybe it will be a lifetime of learning, letting go, accepting. But it is so much more delicious this way! 

There is only one me, with this particular set of talents and skills and thought processes and modes of expression. And there is only one you! You are a beautiful unique individual. I know that you can hear that a million times and still not fully accept it. I have been there. I am still working my way out of that belief. 

Here are some fun questions to help move you toward the direction of seeing your beautiful uniqueness:

1. What are the things you enjoy doing?
2. What kinds of music do you like? What are your favorite singers/bands? 
3. Do you play a musical instrument? If not, do you have a secret desire to play one? If so, which instrument or instruments?
4. What are your favorite foods to eat?
5. What are your favorite hot beverages to drink? What about cold beverages?
6. What are your favorite colors?
7. What is your clothing style? Or what do you wish to dress like?
8. What are your favorite home decor styles?
9. How would you decorate your home?
10. What are your favorite TV shows? Or do you not even like TV?
11. What are your favorite movies? Or are you not a movie buff at all?
12. What scents do you enjoy the most? 
13. Who do you most admire? What is it about them that you admire?
14. What are your favorite memories?
15. Do you like to travel?
16. What are the top 3 places you would love to travel?
17. What are the secret dreams of your heart?
18. What are your favorite blogs and/or magazines?
19. If you like going to the book store or library, what sections are you most drawn to? 
20. If you had all the money you would ever need or want, what would you do with your days? Would you take classes to learn things you've always wanted to learn? Would you travel the world? Would you take photos, make jewelry, paint, draw, write fiction or memoirs or poetry, scrapbook, sculpt, write music, play an instrument, dance, become a yoga master, learn about alternative healing methods? What else would you want to spend your days doing?

Okay, now here is a bit of a twist. Go through the questions above one more time, but this time, answer them in the negative. Replace the word "like" with "don't like" and "favorite" with "least favorite," etc. 

It's the things that we like, as well as the things that we don't like, that make up who we are as unique individuals.

I hope you will stay tuned to my blog as I am creating a super fun e-course on discovering your beautiful authentic self. 

  • There will be lots of fun exercises. I'm talking super fun exercises, including challenges, contests and fun dares in which prizes will be given!
  • A private Facebook group to create a sharing community
  • Interviews with many women who have embraced their gorgeous authentic selves and their insider tips on how they shed the false layers in order to let their inner true selves come shining through
  • And, so much more! 
Next week you will be able to sign up for my newsletter so you will be the first to know when registration for this course opens. 

Pssst . . . I will be giving away TWO FREE spots to this course when registration opens! 

Hope you have a wonderful weekend. :)

~ xo Kim ~ 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Magic * Making Class - I WON the FREE spot!!!

Guess what? I WON the FREE spot in Magic * Making, an online art class with Mindy Lacefield and Alena Hennessy! I can hardly believe it. I never win anything! It starts September 2nd. I can't wait to begin!!! 

You know what is so out-of-this-world-cool about this? I had decided to just give up on my art. It had just become an act of frustration. I was sick of copying other people's work and sick of trying to figure out what my own style is, so just forget it. 

I remember I was sitting in a doctor's office and checking my email on my phone and I came across this email announcing the free spot in this new collaborative class with Mindy and Alena. I have loved Mindy's work for years, but I had never heard of Alena, so I went and checked out her site and fell in love with her art and her blog. Her art has such vibrancy and aliveness to it. 

As I said I had decided to just give up on my art, so when I first saw the email I almost deleted it, thinking "Nah, I'm done with art."

But something inside me stopped and I said to myself, "Let's give this one more go. If I win a spot in this class, that is a sign from the Universe to continue working on my painting." 

I kid you not. That is exactly what I said to myself! Of course I never thought I would actually win the free spot because I never win anything! 

I was completely shocked when I got the email from Alena that I had won. My jaw dropped in utter shock and then I was hootin' and hollerin' with happiness and excitement and jumping up and down in my seat and then started doing the happy dance around my apartment. :) 

So, here I go. I'm giving painting another shot. I'm itching to paint so badly. I plan on going through Flora Bowley's most awesome book Brave Intuitive Painting: Let go. Be bold. Unfold. ~ Techniques For Uncovering Your Own Unique Painting

And this chapter continues . . . 

~ xo Kim ~