
Friday, August 2, 2013

DOY BlogLovin' Tour:: Trust

"The Declaration of You will be published by North Light Craft Books this summer, with readers getting all the permission they've craved to step passionately into their lives, discover how they and their gifts are unique and uncover what they are meant to do! This post is part of The Declaration of You's BlogLovin' Tour, which I'm thrilled to participate in alongside over 100 other creative bloggers. Learn more -- and join us! -- by clicking here."

What do you do when just about everything in your life is turning out wrong? How do you have trust during these times? 

I know that it is so hard. I know because I am going through this very thing right now. 

My dream is to create a financially sustainable business. My unemployment is running out in the second week of September so the clock is a-ticking!!!

Last week I announced my first 24-Hour Short Story Contest and offered one free spot to a lucky winner chosen from the comments from that post. You can see it here

I had big dreams for this first offering of mine. I had big visions that so many people would comment and sign up for the contest that it would knock my socks off. Alas, not a single comment.

Honestly, I'm feeling pretty down right now. My self-doubt is at an all-time high. The negative voices in my head are having a field day. 

Do I give up though? Truthfully, I want to. I want to just throw in the towel and get a j.o.b. and just leave all this dream stuff behind. It is so difficult and it can be so heart-breaking. 

But, no, I won't give up. I have to TRUST that I will find my groove. 

I have to TRUST that even if I have to get a j.o.b., eventually my business will grow and become sustainable so I can quit that day job and live my dream of running my own business. 

I cannot give up! I have to believe in myself and trust that I do have something worthwhile to offer others. 

Maybe it will take some time to find my groove. I will trust that, that is okay. 

So, my sweet dear readers, I want to encourage you to trust in yourself and your dreams. Don't give up even when the wind is knocked out of your sails. 

There is a way. There is a path that is just for you! It is so worth finding that path and staying on it, no matter what obstacles and storms may come along to try and knock you off course. 

Stay the course! You are worth it. Your dreams are worth it. 

I'd love to hear your comments below about times when you have felt this way and how you overcame them. Let's also talk together if you are feeling this same way right now. 

Much love,

~ Kim xo

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