
Monday, May 20, 2013

A quote that just changed my life forever

“I am not a teacher, but an awakener.” 
- Robert Frost

In my coaching training program this quote was the start of a discussion thread and we were asked how our Mentor is our awakener. I wanted to share my answer here on my blog: 

I love this quote so much! I am completely in love with the idea of being an "awakener" rather than a teacher! It brings what I want to do to a whole new and much deeper level that delights and tickles my soul! 
My Mentor is my awakener by helping me to go deeper within myself and discover and "awaken" those parts of myself that have been either lying dormant or have been too shy or afraid to come to the surface.
I will surely be pondering this quote and all the levels of meaning it has for me. What is so awesome about this quote is that I actually feel it has awakened a deeper level in me already. It has touched something deep within me that I thought I had lost forever. A level that I had lost or buried or let go of somewhere along the way of raising children, homeschooling them, getting divorced, moving back to my beautiful birth state - the home in my heart - Massachusetts, and the struggles I have been experiencing for the past four years of this strange new life being a divorced woman in my early forties with grown kids and creating a whole new life for myself. The struggles of having an empty nest and losing the only identity I had ever felt comfortable with as a full time mother. My identity was so wrapped up in my kids and in only being Kim, The Mom. 
For the past four years I have felt so lost and sad and lifeless; like I no longer existed. I felt as if my soul had left my body when my kids grew up and began lives of their own. I was a shell, sleep walking, struggling to find a way to come back to life. What use was I now? What purpose and meaning could my life now have? 
I have slowly been coming back to life and I mean really s  l  o  w  l  y. But this training program. I knew I had to take this training program, and now! 
And today NanLeah shared this eight word quote - separately, eight simple words - but together, a powerful, beautiful, source of divine light. Eight words that have stirred my soul like never before. 
I must sit with this. I must write poetry and prose to explore this awakening and process the incredible and indescribable impact these words are having on me. 

Art Class Giveaway with Mindy Lacefield and Anna Hennessey!

I just found out about a super awesome new online art class and TWO giveaways! Mindy Lacefield and Anna Hennessey have collaborated to create what promises to be an exciting and adventurous art class online called Magic Making. Just the name of it itself gets my heart going pitter patter! 

They are giving away a FREE spot in their class, to sign up for that go to Anna Hennessey's blog post right here. AND they are giving away the beautiful collaborative art piece they created together. To sign up to win that go to Mindy Lacefield's blog post right here

I HOPE I WIN!!!! Fingers and toes crossed! ; )

~ Kim xo

Thursday, May 16, 2013

First Coaching Class and Mentoring Session

I am having so much fun with the ACT 9 Certification Training Program! Last night we had our first Teleclass with Marney and it was AWESOME!!! Marney's teleclasses are the best. She does lots of free ones and you should most definitely experience it for yourself. Go to Artellaland and sign up for her newsletter so you can be informed of all the fun and free offerings. She is THE most generous person online that I know. :)

Today I got to have my first Skype chat with my mentor, Callie. She is from London, England (!) and she is so completely awesome and fun. I love her! We totally connected and I feel like a very lucky girl, indeed, that I get to work with her one-on-one. I know I am going to learn so much from her. Check out her site (it's currently being updated).

So, I went out today and bought Marney's book Creating Time: Using Creativity to Reinvent the clock and Reclaim Your Life. One of my biggest obstacles right now is trying to fit it all in, which is making me feel quite a bit overwhelmed. Marney has such a wonderfully unique and creative way of presenting things that help you think of them in an entirely new way. I really resonate with her teachings, so I think this book will help me a lot!

I'm off to go chat on the ACT 9 forums and then snuggle down to read my new book!

Hope you have a wonderful night,

Kim ~ xo

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Dreams coming true!!!!!

There are so many good things happening right now in my life! I am taking a year-long art class from the super fun and oh so talented Kat McBride. The course is called Let's Draw and Paint! Gorgeous Girls Year Long Class

AND . . . I have been accepted into Marney Makridakis' (founder of the super popular Artella Land!) ACT 9 ARTbundance Certification Training!!!  Marney is one of the most creative women I know. She comes up with the most truly awesome and out of this world fun and creative classes (lots of FREE teleclasses!) that I've ever been a part of. 

AND . . . . . . . I have also been welcomed as part of Marney's Artella Angel Program as a member of the Artella Team!!! 

So many dreams coming true for me right now. :) I am getting THE BEST and MOST FUN drawing and painting instructions from Kat. I have longed to be able to take art lessons to learn the technical skills that I need to be able to get the art visions in my mind onto paper. Now I'm getting it!!! SO excited! 

This class is a whole. year. long.(!) and we are going to learn a huge amount of things: how to draw and paint front, side, and 3/4 face views, torsos, arms, hand, legs, feet (but in a super fun way), mermaids, angels, fairies, whimsical portraits, fairy tale characters, enchanted forest, and tons of other really fun things. 

I have wanted to be able to paint beautiful fairies in enchanted places for years!

Another dream I have had for such a long time is to become a certified life coach and that dream will begin on Monday with the first day of the ACT 9 ARTbundance Certification Training! I am jumping up and down excited!!!  

I am truly overcome with joy and awe and bliss that all these doors have opened up for me that are leading me to the work of my heart, the dreams that have been growing inside me for decades! 

All of you beautiful, sweet women out there, please hear me and know it is absolutely TRUE that dreams really can come true!!!! 

I fully intend to chronicle my journey through both my year-long art class and my coaching training right here in my blog. If you've ever wanted to know what it is like for a woman to make her dreams come true - to learn and improve her art skills and become a working artist (oh, yes! I will make that happen! :) ), to become a life coach, to create the beautiful creative business that is the beat of her heart - and to do this from the very first steps, then I invite you to come along with me for the journey and visit my blog often. I would so love to share this experience with you. I would also love to connect with you in the comments and you are always welcome to email me personally at kimscreativebliss [at] gmail [dot] com. 

Here's to making ALL of our dreams come true!

~ Kim xo