
Thursday, May 16, 2013

First Coaching Class and Mentoring Session

I am having so much fun with the ACT 9 Certification Training Program! Last night we had our first Teleclass with Marney and it was AWESOME!!! Marney's teleclasses are the best. She does lots of free ones and you should most definitely experience it for yourself. Go to Artellaland and sign up for her newsletter so you can be informed of all the fun and free offerings. She is THE most generous person online that I know. :)

Today I got to have my first Skype chat with my mentor, Callie. She is from London, England (!) and she is so completely awesome and fun. I love her! We totally connected and I feel like a very lucky girl, indeed, that I get to work with her one-on-one. I know I am going to learn so much from her. Check out her site (it's currently being updated).

So, I went out today and bought Marney's book Creating Time: Using Creativity to Reinvent the clock and Reclaim Your Life. One of my biggest obstacles right now is trying to fit it all in, which is making me feel quite a bit overwhelmed. Marney has such a wonderfully unique and creative way of presenting things that help you think of them in an entirely new way. I really resonate with her teachings, so I think this book will help me a lot!

I'm off to go chat on the ACT 9 forums and then snuggle down to read my new book!

Hope you have a wonderful night,

Kim ~ xo


  1. Hi Kim, just popping over from ACT9 to check out your blog.I read the book last year and it did wonders for me, but I feel like I need to re-read it all again now ;)

  2. I had a huge a-ha moment already and I'm only on Chapter 2! I'm going to write a blog post about it today. :) Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and taking the time to comment, Tat! I LOVE comments! :)
