I did it! I just signed up for the Amazing Biz & Life Academy!!! I'm SO SUPER excited!!! I have missed being a part of that community so much. There is no way that I am going to miss out on getting back into the Academy before the price doubles. This is a huge step for me to invest in myself financially.
I was so bummed that I couldn't renew my membership in the Academy at the beginning of this year because I just couldn't afford it. I actually still can't afford it (it's super inexpensive - only $199 for a year membership or $55 a month for the four-month payment plan). Things are super financially tight over here in Kimville, but I also feel that I CANNOT afford NOT to get back into Leonie's Academy. So, I will juggle the finances for the next four months and, in the meanwhile, build my business to increase the flow of moolah into my life. ;)
I just wanted to let you all know that Leonie puts out the most amazing resources I have ever seen on the internet and I have taken tons of online classes over the last five years. Several of them cost lots and lots more than the price of Leonie's yearly membership.
I was in her academy before it was called the Amazing Biz & Life Academy and it was amazing!!!! Ha ha . . . no pun intended. ;) The women who are part of the academy are the most generous, creative, down-to-earth, supportive, and encouraging women.
Leonie is the most GENEROUS online entrepreneur that I have ever met. She includes ALL of her courses, meditations, visualizations, colorful and whimsical posters, and her Yearly Life and Biz Planners (which are the best I have seen), etc. in the price of the annual membership. Any new programs, e-courses, meditations, etc. that she creates during your membership is ALSO included! She is also no longer taking any coaching clients, but is doing coaching calls with all the Academy members. I can't wait to get in on one of those!
The academy includes really great and very active forums with topics in any area that you can imagine.
Leonie's business e-course is, by far, the best that is out there. I have it from when I was in the academy last year. However, she has revised and updated it and is coming out with the new and improved Business e-course on October 1st!
I want to encourage you all to check it out and sign up! I promise you won't regret it. Check out the Academy information page HERE. (In case that hyperlink doesn't work, here is the actual link: http://tinyurl.com/kdmjvd2 )
I am so excited to get back into the forums at the Academy and hang out with so many women that are on the same journey that we all are on.
If you want to know a bit more about Leonie, here is some more information:
Leonie is a woman who really walks her talk. She’s managed to create a half million dollar a year company, working a few hours a day, spending loads of time playing with her family + making art + living a really full life. And, like me, she believes in making this world an amazing place by giving generously to causes she believes in.
I really resonate with Leonie, and I think you will too. Plus, she knows her stuff when it comes to business!
Leonie created the Amazing Biz and Life Academy, which gives you over $3800 (!!!!) of business and marketing programs to create a powerful and profitable business, zen-your-mind meditations, creativity, spirituality, home and health e-courses to help you live your best life yet. It is a complete toolkit for transforming whatever part of your biz or life you want to focus on.
I felt an urge (intuition) to send you all some more information about Leonie and her Academy so that you can sign up for it before her prices go up on October 1st.
I know I probably sound like an infomercial and I so don't mean to. I'm just over the moon excited that I'm back in the Academy and I want to share more about it with all of you because I really believe in Leonie (she is a total rock star in my book!) and I really believe in her courses. She knows her stuff and this time I intend to follow her business course step by step in order to create the business and life of my dreams. I will not let my fear get in the way this time.
Sending you all so much love and inspiration,
~ Kim xo
The ABLA is amazing isn't it. The business course is amazing. There is no better women's business resource online. See you there!